Omni Bead Ruptor 4 Homogenizer; built upon the innovative design and unsurpassed quality of Omni's Bead Ruptor family, the Bead Ruptor 4 provides powerful performance in a compact design.
Project title
IP-2020-02-6510 „Structure and function of microbial communities as a missing link for quality assessment of anthropogenically disturbed coastal zones“
Ustanova en
Institut Ruđer Bošković Bijenička cesta 54, Zagreb
Bead Ruptor 4
Mrežna (URL) adresa instrumenta na stranicama proizvođača
Benefits of the Bead Ruptor 4 Homogenizer include:
Simultaneously homogenize up to 4 x 2mL, 0.5mL tubes , 4 x 1.5 mL or 1 x 7 mL tubes
Convenient front-loading tube holder position for ease of use and optimal bead/sample interactions
Processing range is ideal for soft tissue samples
No cool-down required between runs = non-stop processing
Disposable tubes ensure no threat of cross-contamination
No sample degradation due to quick processing
Smaller footprint to maximize bench space