High-resolution systems for X and gama spectroscopy
Skraćeni naziv instrumenta
Systems for X and gama spectroscopy
Inventarni broj
101000 824 - 101000 847, 89541, 89500
Opći opis
Systems comprise 2 HPGe detectors with efficiency of 30% and NaI, BaF2, CeBr3 detectors and corresponding electronics (NIM, CAMAC i VME crates and more than 40 different electronic units: preamplifiers, amplifiers, voltage supplies, discriminators, ADC, TDC), and fast pulse digitizers.
Uža područja primjene
Nuclear physics, applications of nuclear physics in material research
Namjena instrumenta
Precision X and gamma spectroscopy in range from 40 keV up to 3 MeV
Popis usluga
Precision X and gamma spectroscopy in range from 40 keV up to 3 MeV
Tijelo koje je financiralo nabavku opreme
, ,
Ključne riječi
X and gamma spectroscopy
Ustanova en
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet
, Zagreb -
Način korištenja instrumenta
Opis tržišne prilike
High precision X and gamma spectroscopy
Opis usluge
High precision X and gamma spectroscopy for different purposes.
Ime i prezime
Damir Bosnar
Prof. dr.
(01) 4605566
Mrežna (URL) adresa instrumenta na stranicama proizvođača
www.bsi.lv, www.caen.it
Princip rada i mjerna tehnika
X and gamma spectroscopy in range from 40 keV up to 3 MeV.
Radno i mjerno područje
X and gamma rays in range from 40 keV up to 3 Mew
DSG Germany, BSI Litva, CAEN Italy
Mrežna (URL) adresa proizvođača
www.bsi.lv, www.caen.it
Estimated value of procurement of new equipment with identical characteristics
over 600.000,00 HRK
Vijek trajanja
not limited
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